About US


vape dubai

In a moment I used to be transformed. For the primary time since I took up smoking, I knew that I had found an alternate. an alternate that made it easy to quit.

I immediately stopped smoking cigarettes and began vaping, it satisfied my nicotine cravings and offered me the throat hit not dissimilar to the one found in cigarettes or shisha.

A few weeks into vaping and that I quickly began to notice that my cough subsided, my breathing improved and better of all I ended stinking up every room I walked in.

Thinking it had been too good to be true I started my very own research into vaping shortly after. Although not much long-term research is out there regarding the impact of vaping, one thing is sure, the juice consumed via the vape doesn't contain the toxins loaded within one cigarette.

We are a gaggle of heavy ex-smokers, a number of which have had that bad habit for quite 20 years, and that we are here to assist you to quit too.

Smoking cigarettes may be a hard habit to quit, but not any longer. the longer term is smokeless which is becoming glaringly obvious. Millions around the globe have taken that leap, it's time you are doing too.

With proper advice and a touch of determination, you'll ditch the “stench stick” once and for all. we will assist you to pick the proper device for you. Whether you’re a cigarette or shisha smoker there’s a tool that will provide you with an equivalent sensation without the harmful toxins.

We promise to deliver you premium products including a seamless shopping experience.

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